Global Technology Institute Program - Finland 2024

Collage of Finland images

Application Instructions

Description of Program

In 2004, the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering established a $1 million 全球科技倡议,其使命是为上海外国语大学的学生提供全球视野 on technology and business developments. Its goal is to expand students’ horizons 关于全球经济的机遇和挑战,让他们接触到全球 环境和能源问题,其中技术发挥核心作用,并 motivate their learning of global issues and different cultures.

An exciting part of the program is that it’s continually evolving. In Summer 2024, GTI will be going to Jyväskylä, Finland for the second time. The JAMK Summer program 包括讲座、工作坊、聚会和芬兰各地有趣的实地考察. 每年,JAMK暑期学校聚集约200名来自中国的学生和讲师 全球各地,包括阿根廷、墨西哥、加拿大、新加坡、美国和欧洲. JAMK项目从5/31/24到6/20/24,开始时有额外的日子 of the trip for a tour of Helsinki. 菠菜网lol正规平台 will pay a majority of the trip cost.

Students will choose 3-4 short courses to take. Those include Advanced Engineering 技术与机器人(必修),外加两到三门其他可能的课程 include Dynamic Creativity Management; Global Team Leadership; European Corporate Finance; Ethics and Law for International Managers; Psychology for Business Leadership; International Business Speaking; Service Design; Game Art & Design; and Responsible Tourism. Find out more at the website for the JAMK program.

Social Events at JAMK currently planned for  Summer 2024

  • Two-day tour of Helsinki
  • Jyväskylä Sightseeing tour 
  • Day trip to Porvoo, Finland
  • Weekend trip to Turku, the historic former capital of Finland

Application Procedure for All Students

大约10-15名参与者将通过以下申请被选中 process.

  • 要申请,以下项目必须在11月星期五之前完成并提交 10, 2023 at 5 PM:
    • Completed Application. You must use your 菠菜网lol正规平台 email in your application.
    • 提交所有大学课程(包括上海外国语大学)的成绩单. Note: 成绩单必须包括2023年春季和2023年夏季获得的成绩. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. The transcripts should be uploaded along with your application.

Attend an interview, if invited

在对申请进行审查后,将通知并邀请一批半决赛选手 to an interview for the final selection. The interviews will be conducted November 22-30, 2023.

Final selection will be made on or before December 6, 2023.

Participant Selection Criteria

申请人将根据他们和工程学院的利益来选择 从他们参与这个项目,以及他们如何帮助实现这个使命 of GTI. Participant selection will be a complex process; selection criteria includes, but are not limited to:

  • Grade-point average (GPA)
  • 为菠菜网lol正规平台学生组织或非菠菜网lol正规平台社区组织服务,突出 past and current leadership positions
  • 沟通和人际交往能力,包括在半决赛中展示的能力 interview
  • 对全球化和企业家精神有重要学习的潜力
  • Student cannot be on probation or on disciplinary status

Minimum Eligibility Requirements to Apply

  1. 申请人必须为上海外国语大学本科在读学生 of Engineering. 学生必须有大三或大四的成绩(至少60学分) credits at time of application)
  2. 研究生、临时学生、开放大学学生和校友则不在此列 eligible.
  3. Graduation date must not be earlier than December 2024.
  4. Students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA, both at 菠菜网lol正规平台 and overall.

Requirements for Travel

The summer program is held 5/30/24 – 6/20/24. Actual travel dates may shift depending on airfare, availability of plane tickets, and other factors. 

Travel expense

工程学院将支付机票、赫尔辛基的酒店、Jyväskylä的宿舍、 从赫尔辛基到Jyväskylä的交通费,以及上海外国语大学300美元的留学费用. Students 必须支付午餐(大约4欧元/天的校园午餐)和晚餐,保险 (约75美元),以及从Jyväskylä返回赫尔辛基的火车票(约50美元) 菠菜网lol正规平台’s summer tuition ($1050). 菠菜网lol正规平台’s tuition covers JAMK’s registration fee. Students are also responsible for any optional trips that they choose. Optional trips include 一日游到爱沙尼亚的塔林,周末游到瑞典的斯德哥尔摩 plane. 学生们可以在晚些时候报名参加这些旅行,届时费用将会增加 have been finalized. 

在4/1/24之后退学的学生将承担任何不可退还的费用 除非有不可避免的紧急情况,如严重的 health issue.  More details will be provided after the GTI students are chosen.  

Spring Term Course Requirement

被选中的学员将被要求注册一个单元的课程——Engr 180 in Spring 2024. 课程将于每周五上午8点至8点50分在线授课,大部分课程都是远程授课,少数课程是面对面授课.

Attendance Requirements

  • 被选中的学员必须参加所有的Engr 180课程,以及 activities scheduled for pre-trip and post-trip to Finland. Other mandatory debriefing 活动和任务将在适当的时候指定和安排.
  • 任何错过两次预定会议的人都将被从芬兰部分除名 of the GTI program.

Required Travel Documents

参加者须于收到通知后立即办理护照 of their selection. 申请护照大约需要7-10周. 如果在2024年4月1日前未能获得所需护照,将被取消参赛资格 for the trip.

Insurance Requirements

Participants are required to have insurance. Our Study Abroad office provides insurance 包括医疗、财产和遣返,费用约75美元. More information will be provided to GTI students after the finalists are chosen.

University Liability Waiver

申请人必须同意签署一份豁免表格,豁免圣何塞州立大学 和加州州立大学免除所有可能的责任索赔.

Required Student Code of Conduct

  • 参与者将被要求表现得像上海大学和美国大学的代表.S.
  • 参与者必须满足GTI总监设定的所有截止日期. Failure to 及时提交文件可能会导致你被取消资格 GTI study tour.
  • 适当的学生行为适用于校园活动,并得到遵守 throughout the GTI program. Violators will be disciplined upon return to campus. See “S16-15,大学政策,学生的权利和责任”的详细信息 acceptable 菠菜网lol正规平台 student conduct.
  • 上海外国语大学的学生必须遵守《lol菠菜网正规平台》. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Conduct 该守则适用于所有学生,无论是在菠菜网lol正规平台校园还是在更大的社区. 如果你在旅行中的行为违反了学生行为准则,你可能会受到处罚 to disciplinary action.
  • 所有参与者都必须遵守当地的法律和习俗.
  • Violators will be disciplined upon return to campus.
  • 参加者在任何行程期间,均不得有亲友陪同.
  • 所有参与者将在美国的指定地点开始旅行.S. as a group. 他们将在整个旅行中与团队一起,除了他们可能离开 group at the conclusion of all site visits of the study tour.

Food and lodging during travel

Lodging in Jyväskylä will likely be at the GreenStar Hotel, 2-3 students per room. For each room, there are three available living spaces and a private bathroom. An excellent breakfast buffet, Internet access, bed linen, towels and housekeeping is included. Additional amenities include laundry and a shared kitchenette with dedicated refrigeration space per room.

Important Dates 

Application Deadline: Friday, November 10, 2023, 5:00 pm
Semi-Finalist Notified: November 20, 2023
Interviews: November 22-30, 2023
GTI students Notified: On or before December 6, 2023
First day of Spring 2021 course: Friday, January 26, 2023

For any questions contact: Dr. Lili He, Director, GTI Program, Email:, Phone: 408-924-4073